

CATEGORY 1: Folk and Fusions
CATEGORY 2: Classical , Semi classical and Fusions
(Cash Prizes - Rs.20,000, Rs.10,000 & Rs.5,000)


International Cultural Dance Festival and Competition is a great opportunity to the youth of INDIA to share the stage with the International Folklore Festival Artists where 200 professional International Artists will be performing from 5-7 Countries in the month of March/July and October.

India is a land of varied cultures and traditions. Diversities in all spheres make the Indian culture quite unique. Diverse culture of India has the treasure of variety of folk & classical dances in regions across the country.

ICDFC's motive is to provide the live platform to the Folklore, Classical and Semi classical Dance forms of INDIA which was elapsed with the modernization of the Society.

ICDFC aims to showcase the richest cultural heritage of INDIA before the World Folklore Artists of International Ethnic Folklore Festival and of course to the audience of Indian Art Lovers.

To extend and to engage the youth in the field of our own forgotten Folk and classial dances. To aware the youth of colleges, universities,dance academies, studios,Clubs,Training institutes the importance of Folk and classical dance forms of India.

This competition drags the attention of Indian Youth as the participants and their families and friends as the audiences of ICDFC.

Types of Participation

Groups can take part in the festival in two ways

  • As a Festival Participant
  • As a Competitior

Competition Categories

Competition accepts participants in two categories.

  • Category 1: Folk and Fusions
  • Category 2: Classical, Semi Classical and Fusions

Application Form:

Indian Groups interested to participate at the ICDFC-INDIA, must submit the application form.

Contact the organizer for the application form at our email id: folkfestivalindia@gmail.com

Click on the Download Button for Application form:

Participation Fee:

  • After receiving the official invitation letter the group should pay 5000Rs/Group with in a week.
  • Participation fee is non-refundable, if group fails to take the competition according to the schedules specified by the organizer.

Winner Prizes:

  • It honors the artistic groups with First, Second and Third level winners with Rs.20,000, Rs.10,000 & Rs.5,000 Cash Prizes in each category.

Eligibility Conditions :

  • Entry is open to all the national and international participants.
  • Minimum age of the Group members should be of 10.
  • Dance groups members should be of minimum of 5 to max 20.
  • The Groups should arrange travel, food or accommodation at their own expense.
  • Participants should arrive to the Venues specified by the Festival organizer.
  • The participant agrees to sign these terms and conditions and confirms to agree to abide by the same as mentioned.
  • Entries that do not comply in full with these entry rules and conditions will be disqualified.

Time Date and Venue :

  • The competition will run from 05:00-8:00pm on OCTOBER 17 / 18 /19 2024.
  • The reporting time for the groups to the venue is 2:00 pm-3:00pm. Groups arriving late cannot be considered into the festival.
  • Venue: Dilli Haat-INA for OCT edition - will be confirmed 1 month before the festival
  • Classical & Semi dance category winners will be announced on 19th Oct, 2024
  • Folk Category winners will be announced on 18th Oct. 2024
  • On each day only 5-7 Indian Groups will compete along with International Participants.
  • Groups will be allotted one day from the above-mentioned dates by the organizer.

Submission Deadline :

  • Closing date: All entries must be received by Augu 30th for October Edition/ Applications will be open till we receive 10-12 groups in each category (Whichever would be earlier) .

Performance Details :

  • Festival welcomes performers in a variety of genres include Folk, Cultural dance forms (spiritual or scared), Traditional Dance Forms, Folk fusions, Classical, Semi Classical and its Fusions.
  • Group has to prepare one dance item with 5 minutes of duration. (Excess time will not be allotted to any group).If time exceeds only 5 minutes performance will be taken in to the consideration.
  • Groups are allowed to perform with live music or recorded music.
  • Dance groups has the right to opt the Folk or classical compositions/Songs or from Bollywood too.
  • Groups should come up with new choreography to IEFF editions, repeated performances in IEFF are not accepted.
  • Group members should not leave the stage during the performance. Out of the stage moves/choreography are not condidered into the competition.
  • Stage size approximate 28feet width & 24feet length.
  • Groups should get makeup & costumes from theirs places to the venue.


  • Participants will get exposure & competing opportunity with 200-150 International Artists.
  • Certificates to all group members and a festival trophy to the Group Leader.
  • Photos and Videos of everyday performances of the group will be provided.
  • Eligible Group will be displayed in the IEFF and ICDF websites.
  • All the groups will equally be covered on Social media platforms too.

Marks & Judging :

  • Marking will be on Synchronization, Formations, Co-ordination, space utillization, Expressions, dancing moves, Costumes & Audience Response.
  • The judges' decision is final and no discussions nor negotiations will be entertained in relation to their decision and their judgment will be considered as final verdict for all performers and to the Festival Board.
  • A panel of highly eminent personalities and professionals in the arts will judge all performances. All contestants, teachers and parents agree that the method of judging shall be solely within the discretion of the directors of IEFF.

Award Categories if time permits :

  • We will be giving away Special Mentions in the following categories :

BEST COSTUMES : Certificate


BEST Energetic Group: Certificate

Organizer's Right:

The organizers reserve the rights to make any changes in the format of the dance competition, Venue, timings, which will be informed through the email.

Present the piece creatively, in terms of content or presentation, and surprise us!